Friday, April 16, 2010

mind over matter

mind over matter. Those three words are what keeps me calm and at peace through physical pain. I've learned from the masters. All the greatest kung fu masters like Bloodsport, Iron Monkey, Enter the Dragon, Ong Bak, Kill Bill, are sustained by this philosophy of mind over matter.

All this to say..

Today i foolishly declined on anesthetics during an operation of four my deep cavities, which two of them almost resulted in root canals. I guess the Dentist asked thinking my cavities were shallow but as he realized he was digging through a dark tunnel of bacteria known as Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus, he stopped the operation and asked firmly again. Once again, I said no; just to prove to myself that pain is nothing but a feeling; feelings being nothing but a stimulated sensory communicating with your brain. ouch. I still have too much to learn from the masters.

I guess I am not Chuck Norris. One day I wish to be. So I can do this

I leave to Malaysia for business tomorrow. I'm kind of excited, kind of nervous. It turned out to be a bigger conference/project/responsibility than I ever imagined. I hope I make them a lot of money. I miss my apartment and the friends that are usually there until dawn haha. But I miss even the ones that don't come.

Until then!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's been 10 minutes since I landed

Korea has become much too familiar; it’s nothing bad really. Its just that the experience of landing in the Motherland has lost its thrill even after all the preparation of packing, hectic scrounging of money, the sentimental good-bye’s, and not trying to miss my beloved amigos. Even the brisk, bone-chilling wind seems as if it’s coming from my backyard. I’m missing the rush of being back “home” after being surrounded by foreigners but after visiting almost every year for the past..three years, the rush is sadly gone. I think this is why I visit my old house and binge on all my childhood snacks. I think I’ve become an adrenaline junkie. And yes, sadly, I got that from Twilight. Out of all the awesome movie choices I had like A Serious Man, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Nine, etc., I chose Twilight. I actually had the greatest sleep on an airplane ever. I only woke up to eat and to watch Twilight, which was obviously terrible; that dude just had an irresistible body. Anyways, in an hour or so I’ll get off this comfortable transit bus and see my dad and realize that I’m half way across the universe from home. My home could have easily been here in Korea, where I would have been be very fobby. But.. I’m happy to be back and I feel more rooted every time I come back. Enough of this, can’t wait until I eat geh. Please don’t judge me. Speaking of geh..


Currently listening to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by Camerata haha.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh more 'sanitary critic'

If you look at my previous post, this blog was dedicated to rating restaurants by their restrooms.

Screw this guy.

Anyways, I don't understand this blogger business. How do you follow people and go to their sites and see who's following you and know that you're following them, etc.

I think I'm going to start blogging about "things to do" since my previous blog idea failed. It'll be like those "things to do when you're bored" lists and "101 things to do before you die" kind of a thing. Except I'll try to do at least one thing every post.. possibly with pictures. I think I got this idea when I number two-ed while my gluteus maximus was asleep. It was such a weird experience I thought, "Wow! this is something everyone needs to experience!" Hence the idea about blogging about such adventerous endeavors.

Things to do/experience:

1. Take a dump while your butt cheeks are asleep.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

So I've had this idea about blogging restaurants by the sanitariness of their bathrooms. I'm not sure if I'm the first one to do this but I thought it'd be interesting. I'm going to start a blogspot also for the sake of keeping record.

So here we go:

Victim #1: T.G.I.F
19855 Rinaldi St
Porter Ranch, CA 91326

Food: Delicious. 13 dollar steak sandwich for 5 bucks special that night!

Sanitary grade: D-

Dirty as a bathroom can be. What was worse than the obvious was the horrible stench it had. I wish I can post the smell or something. It smelled like someone peed all over the floor and the left it their to evaporate in to the air overnight. This bathroom was actually the one that made me start the blog.